Why Do Sellers Need A Stripe Account

If you are thinking about utilizing our marketplace for your store, you will need to know how to you Stripe. Stripe is a payment processor (Just like PayPal), that moves money from the buyer to the seller. This video will show you why we use Stripe, and the benefits that it has for the user.


Stripe will automatically ask you to sign up once you create a seller account. Stripe charges a $0.30 transaction fee, which is the only fee you will see from Stripe. The set-up wizard automatically engages as soon as you sign up your account! After choosing a subscription, you will be brought to the Stripe setup page. You will simply fill out all of the information on this page, which will take about 5 minutes! You will connect it directly to your bank account, which will enable Stripe to take funds from PrairieGrit and deposit it into your account. This takes a lot less time than PayPal does, which is why we chose Stripe.

Stripe’s faster processing of funds is only one reason we utilize this processor for our website! They also have better security, and customer service. We want to provide the best for our users, and we know Stripe will give you just that!

If you have any more questions about Stripe, please reach out to us here:

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